Education is tops in Pleasanton, California. This city has residents who are family focused, and they enjoy the small-town atmosphere that this lovely city has to offer. The city is noted as being one of the finest “hometown” atmospheres in the nation by CNN Money and Forbes. Additionally, Pleasanton residents have high levels of education. The U.S. Census Bureau indicates that that residents here are the richest for any mid-sized city in the nation. Therefore, many of these parents place a high priority on education.
In fact, Pleasanton schools rank as some of the very best California has to offer. Some Pleasanton schools also rank as some of the best in the entire country. Newsweek Magazine ranks Amador Valley and Foothill schools as two of the top 400 high schools in the country. These are considered comprehensive high schools in Pleasanton.
The Pleasanton school district is known as the Pleasanton Unified School District..
There also are alternative schools here. Village High School and Horizon High School cater to teens who are mothers and fathers trying to complete their education.
In addition to Pleasanton, CA public schools, there also are a number of fine private schools here. Two of the most popular ones are Carden West School and the Hacienda School.