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Pleasanton, CA
February 06, 2025 11:22am
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Commuting to Pleasanton

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Pleasanton Commuting

The average commute for a Pleasanton resident is about 33 minutes. That’s just slightly higher than the national average commute time of 28 minutes. Pleasanton, California traffic can be sluggish on the freeways at certain times of day. Peak times for commuting can slow down the traffic during morning and evening rush hours.

Many commuters rely on public transportation or use alternative methods for getting to work, such as riding a bike, walking or carpooling.

Pleasanton Commuting

There are many resources for Pleasanton, CA commuters. The city of Pleasanton itself offers a special commuting program for employers with at least 75 workers. There’s a big local push for people to use public transportation or to carpool to help reduce air pollution. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but it also can help reduce stress and make a worker’s day more enjoyable.

However, some people still are forced to drive their car alone to work. Others are able to negotiate alternative work schedules so they can avoid peak traffic times, while some lucky employees are able to telecommute and avoid driving in traffic all together!

Photography by Christophe Tomatis
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